Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Its frightening how much I don't know.

I tend to sardonically toot my own horn quite often. If for no other reason that to amuse myself and others around me. Those that know me best can attest to this. However, any time I begin to read about something as complicated as the evolution of a government program into a bureaucracy, or the history of social security, or in this case, the problem of health care, I find myself growing increasingly more aware of how little I actually know.

What scares me the most, is the fact that I consider myself someone who keeps up with what is going on most of the time. I try to stay in touch with what is happening by reading various newspapers, watching various news channels and surfing wikipedia (yes yes i know it's not a credible source i don't care it's a freaking blast). I know quite a few people who very simply don't give a damn about any of this stuff. They have no problem ignoring every problem that surrounds them as long as the problems do not leave an obvious mark on the way they choose to live their lives.

How many people are actually like this? Is it an epidemic? Or is it simply a characteristic of a small portion of our generation? My experience tells me that this issue does not simply stop at one specific demographic. My experience tells me that this is a very popular way of perceiving what goes on in the world. The perception of "not perceiving" seems to be the most popular way of going about living.

Probably just me getting freaked out over nothing. Kool-aid anyone?